Social Media

Here’s how to get more results with the new Instagram algorithm

21 February, 2019 |

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: in addition to connecting and connecting people from any corner of the world, those that are part of the ranking of the most used social networks in the world have another great feature in common. Whoever bet on the use of algorithms for creating the publications feed.

Although it works differently in each of these platforms, the algorithm is a tool built and fed from artificial intelligence.

Its primary objective is to identify which publications are most relevant to users so that they consume the contents available on the network for a more extended period.

In constant transformation, Instagram’s new algorithm has brought news to the network that is the darling among many bloggers, influencers and companies.

Still, do not know what these changes were? Want to know how to get the best out of them and continue to rage among your followers? Then you’re in the right place!

Follow this text to the end and see how to use the new Instagram algorithm in favor of your publications.

What are the major changes in Instagram’s algorithm?

In June 2018, Instagram brought together a group of journalists and announced some of the significant changes in its algorithm. A practice also adopted by Facebook, one of the primary measures announced was that the network started to display profiles of friends more frequently than the profile brands.

If the feed previously attempted to value video consumption, the new rules do not necessarily prioritize this type of content. Here are some of the key changes.

The first few hours become the most important

The first few hours of a publication are incredibly relevant to the new Instagram algorithm. If a photo or video receives the right amount of likes and comments in the first few minutes, the tool understands that it is relevant and starts showing it in more and more feeds.

Comments are again relevant

Engagement has once again become a success metric for Instagram. This means that the more comments a post receives, the more it will show to other followers. The tip here is to invest extensively in the relationship with your fan base, which we will explain in more detail throughout this text.

The hashtags are highlighted

For some time Instagram has been able to follow hashtags. This means that the most relevant images that have a hashtag that follows will appear in your feed. Using these markups is a good strategy for anyone who wants to “stick the bubble” and reach a more diverse audience.

However, it is necessary to know how to measure the hand: it is believed that three hashtags per publication are ideal. More than that can be considered spam and end up receiving penalties from the network.

The frequency starts to be valued

Committed to guaranteeing its users relevant content, the social network also began to focus on profiles that publish with a defined frequency. Other social networks, especially YouTube already adopt this rule for the new Instagram algorithm.

Thus, it is worth analyzing the times and days when your publications usually have higher engagement and schedule always to have content in those moments. Although this information is not official, it is believed that the ideal volume of publications is once a day.

How to get good results with the new Instagram algorithm?

It is not enough to know what has changed in the new Instagram algorithm and stand idly by, waiting for the right results. Now that you know more about how it works find out what you can do to use it to your advantage and ensure the best results from your followers on this social network.

Invest in relationship

With comments having an essential role in the new algorithm of Instagram, stimulating the relationship with followers becomes more critical than ever.

One tip is to try to answer as many comments as possible from any post since replies are also counted as engagement. And nothing to respond only with emoji, agreed? Stimulate the conversation so that the person continues to return to your post.

It is also possible to adopt the call-to-action strategy, in Portuguese, a “call to action”. This is a question inserted at the end of the caption, to instigate the followers’ response through the comments.

Value attractive images

There’s no way! Even after numerous changes and the addition of different functions and tools – such as direct messages, Stories, and IGTV – Instagram continues to be a social network dedicated to the publication and consumption of images.

This strong visual appeal demands photos – and videos – of quality. It is necessary to think of equipment that can guarantee this quality (such as professional cameras and state-of-the-art mobile phones), but also have editing tools that can lend a hand, as well as notions of angle, lighting, and framing.

Your content needs to be relevant. Know your niche? Do you speak the language of your audience? Provide quality content? With one click, an unhappy follower can give an unfollow and then have a plethora of other profiles at their disposal.

Monitor your results

If you intend to use Instagram professionally, the first tip is to change your profile to a business account. This simple change allows you to monitor relevant data about your posts and followers, such as gender, location, etc.

Other relevant information provided concerns the best times of publication. Remember that the first few minutes are key to determining the relevance of a post? With this data, you can program your posts and achieve the best possible results.

For those who intend to act professionally with social networks, it is fundamental to know and understand the new algorithm of Instagram. This allows the creation of more efficient strategies and, consequently, of better results for their objectives. With the tips presented here, your feed has everything to be a success.

Did you find this content useful? So take the time to follow our social networks and follow all our publications. We are on Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube, without forgetting, of course, Instagram.

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