E-goi News

Facebook + E-goi: Personalised audience, Instant Articles and more!

19 April, 2018 |

With E-goi it´s possible to integrate many services and formats of Facebook ads to automate tasks and increase exponentially the reach of your posts, your mailing list and generate business opportunities. Lern how to use them!

The radical cut in the posts’ organic reach has been “forcing” any business that depends on Facebook – the platform, by excellence for any small business (even if they don’t have a website) – as an acquisition and sales channel (and not only) to invest in paid ads.

With E-goi it’s possible to integrate many services and formats of Facebook Ads to automate tasks and increase exponentially the reach of your publications, your mailing list and generate business opportunities.

1. Facebook Custom Audiences

Especially when you’re starting, it’s mandatory to invest correctly. If you use Facebook ads and want those ads to show up to specific groups of people that visit your website, Facebook has an excellent feature. It’s called “Custom audiences”. You can have many types of personalized audiences, one of which Facebook has available is personalized audiences through a list of clients.

Imagine that you have a mailing list of people that haven’t opened the email with your promotional campaign, but those people access Facebook on a daily basis. You can make an ad personalized for that audience, exporting a list of an email marketing service such as E-goi or simply make an integration that E-goi also has available for free.

How to configure?

Go to goidini.e-goi.com and search for “Facebook Audiences”. Click on integrate, log in with your E-goi account and follow the guide that will show up on your screen.

After concluding the configuration, whenever new contacts are added to segments of your E-goi list, those contacts will be updated in the Custom Audience that you chose. If the contrary happens, in other words, if there are contacts that leave the chosen segment, they’ll be removed from the personalized audience to which you’re announcing on Facebook.

2. Instant Articles

As you might have seen, especially on Facebook pages from news websites, it’s possible to have a mobile view 10x faster than normal. This Facebook resource is called Instant Articles. (Learn how to configure)

Instant articles allow the client to stay on Facebook while staying up to date on your content, which improves the user experience and can help increase the engagement of your posts. 

One of the most interesting things about Instant Articles is that it allows you to include a personalized form on your optimized for mobile posts, in order to capture contacts. We, as content producers on our blog, have already implemented that resource. It looks like this:

How to configure?

Watch the video:

Remember that you need to configure previously your form on your Facebook page in “Publishing Tools”> “Call-to-Action Units”

3. Facebook Lead Ads

With Facebook Lead Ads it’s possible to create ads with a form personalized by you, completely suitable for mobile devices and projected to make the filling as easy as possible, without having to write anything, increasing conversion.

You can download the results in the CSV and XLS formats. But the big news is in integrating Facebook Lead Ads with E-goi. This way, all your leads will go directly to your contact list, possibly entering a flux of marketing automation (automatic answers).

How to configure?

Watch the video:

4. Publish email campaigns on Facebook

When E-goi sends your email, you can at the same time post is on Facebook. It’s a good way to spread your message in an automatic way to the followers you have on this social network.

Excellent! How do I do it?

You just have to follow this guide! 🙂

5. Insert Facebook share buttons on emails

E-goi can insert automatically buttons in the header and footer of your email, through which the contacts that receive your email can easily see a web version of it (in case the can’t see it in the email reader), edit the subscription, recommend the email to friends or share it on social media.

Besides these buttons, E-goi can also insert buttons of specific social networks, such as Facebook. For example, if a contact clicks on the Facebook button in the email he received, he can easily share that email with the friends he has on Facebook.

Excellent! How do I do it?

You guessed it! You just have to follow this guide! 🙂

6. Insert remarketing pixel in any E-goi form

Pixel remarketing is a piece of HTML code that has to be put in the source code of every page of your website, that allows you to form the personalized audience through the people who visited your website. To insert that code on a form or landing page, follow these steps.

7. Allow comments via Facebook in the web version of your campaigns

You can let people comment on your email campaign via Facebook, through the email you sent them! You just have to open the campaign options and choose “Allow comments via Facebook”. After sending the campaign, any person that reads the email as a web page (clicking on the link “web version” of the email) will be able to comment.

Does E-goi also have integrations with other services?

No doubts there! Check our plugins/interactions page! 🙂

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