Marketing Strategies

How to make a case study? Tips to use this strategy

19 April, 2018 |

In this post, we’re approaching some practical tips so that you can make your case and start benefiting from that strategy. Keep reading!

A case study is an excellent way to expose your company’s results, showing authority in your branch of activity and the efficiency of your products and services, besides being a key-piece to prospect new clients and increase sales.

However, you need to know how to elaborate a case. You need to check which clients have the potential to be one and which want to tell their story.

In this post, we’re approaching some practical tips so that you can make your case and start benefiting from that strategy. Keep reading!

1. Make a selection of possible participants

The first step is to identify, in your client database, which are the ones who have the basic requirements to become a success case. Search for those who had a return above expected or those who surprised with a new approach.

By building a case, it’s fundamental to keep in mind that it won’t be the company talking about the results it generated for the client, but the client himself talking about how your company helped him achieve a specific result.

For that reason, the information used must be the clearest and honest possible, in order to convey credibility for those who are consuming your material.

2. Make contact and check interest

After identifying the potential clients to your case, you need to check if they are interested in telling their story. It’s almost certain that there won’t be any objections, however, don’t expect 100% adherence.

Many clients refuse the invitation, simply because they are ashamed to show up in a video, for example. At that moment, you need to explain to them that there are many other ways to build a case.

Yes, a video is much more complete and can be used in many ways, including its transcription to a blog post or the use of audio to make a podcast, for example.

However, you can’t use written content to make a video. But don’t pressure them! Search for alternative ways to stimulate the clients to participate and, if they still refuse, it’s okay! Go to the next client.

3. Make strategic questions

That is, without a doubt, the most important point to create a success case. By scheduling an interview with the client, you must some questions already prepared, that will serve as a guide.

Read the main questions that can’t stay out of your script:

  • What problems did your company have before knowing about our products or services? – This question will inform the audience about the circumstances the client was in before getting to know the solutions your company offered and will be the basis of the entire narrative about the path he has taken until nowadays;
  • How did you get to know our company? – By answering this question the client will be a reference to the ones that got to you the same way the client did, whether it is through indication, online research or social media;
  • What made you choose our solutions? – It’s common that, before closing a deal, people feel insecure about the efficiency of the hired. By explaining their reasons, the client will make the audience rethink about some points and give your company a shot;
  • What problem did you have when you started using our products or services and how did you overcome them? – When talking about the difficulties with the new solutions, the client will give more authenticity to the case, after all, no change is free of problems and by telling how they have overcome shows that it’s possible to adapt to the new scenario;
  • Which were the results obtained after the implementation of the new solutions? – The presentation of the obtained results is the most expected part by the audience. At that moment, ask the client to expose some information about his results and how your company’s solutions contributed to that.

When creating the survey, it’s possible to add other questions that can be relevant to the case. A good tip is to avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no.

The more space you give the client to express himself, the more authentic will his answers be, and the process will be more genuine.

4. Organize the information

After collecting testimonies, you need to organize every information in order to make an exciting story, with a beginning, middle and ending. To stir both with reason and emotion is the goal of a successful case.

To generate impact, it’s interesting to separate some strong sentences said by the client and highlight them, whether on the video’s subtitles or in highlight boxes in a blog post.

Another factor of extreme importance to the creation of a case is the selection of related images. When possible, use photos of your client using your products or services, showing his satisfaction.

But, pay attention! When organizing the material, try not to make it too commercial, being that one of the biggest mistakes of a company. Try to create educational content that makes the readers curious.

5. Promote your cases on a specific page

It’s not worth it to waste your team and your client’s time creating a success case if you don’t promote it on the many channels of your company. As we said, a success case is a great tool to help your sales team.

Besides the promotion made by your company, ask your client to share the case on his communication channels, such as social media, blog, website and even through email marketing.

The bigger the number of people that material reaches, the bigger will be the company’s credibility and the possibility of closing new deals.

There’s no doubt that you need to know how to make a case to be successful with that strategy, however, by following these tips, your work will be more efficient and the results will be amazing!

Now that you know how to create a case for your company, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!

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