E-goi Digital Solutions

CDP versus ERP: which one answers best your business needs

In this article, we discuss two solutions used in organizational environments. Many of them today operate with ERP. But CDP has become increasingly necessary for everyday activities.

No entanto, esta última tecnologia é de certa forma desconhecida para alguns gestores, que poderão não ver as suas potencialidades ou, ainda, não conseguem distinguir das restantes tecnologias. In a CDP versus ERP battle, who wins?

In the fight for data, the truth is that all technologies matter. But let’s explore a little further in the article. We’ve already made the distinction between CDP and CRM here on our blog, today we explore another “face to face”.

​What is a Customer Data Platform?

CDP is the acronym for Customer Data Platform. It is a technology that allows you to collect and manage data on the same platform, with the aim of generating value with the information obtained. They allow you to provide interesting insights for the business.

With all the information collection sources mapped, it is possible to create a more complete customer profile. All these thanks to the unification of the information generated by the data stored in different systems (whether CRM, ERP, or Analytics, among others). It can be considered quite similar to a data lake. However, the great advantage of a Customer Data Platform lies in the unification of the information in the same profile, structuring them.

Some of its main roles are:

  • data collection and unification;
  • customer data management;
  • customer data activation.

In the case of E-goi Digital Solutions, for example, our Customer Data Platform is distinguished by the possibility of monitoring in-store behavior, both physical and online, in addition to the usual ones: CRM, POS, ERP, Helpdesk, among others.

What is an ERP?

An ERP, directly, is the acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. In other words, it is a software that aims to plan the company’s resources on a day-to-day basis. Thus, it allows the integration of information from different sectors, helping in the exchange of information between them, allowing to make decisions in a more efficient way.

That is, an ERP analyzes internal processes, with the objective of enabling better results on a daily basis. For example, ERP makes it possible to better manage the information that passes between the sales and marketing sector and, thus, devise more efficient strategies on a day-to-day basis.

Some of its main roles are:

  • generation of invoices;
  • issuance of payment notes;
  • issuance of pay slips;
  • purchasing management;
  • stock management.

CDP versus ERP: what distinguishes each one?

At first glance, both CDP and ERP may appear similar. After all, both work with data, generated both internally and externally. However, CDP works with information related to its customers, optimizing the relationship and allowing, for example, to better understand important behavior patterns for future interactions.

According to a study by Twilio, 61% of marketers surveyed say that investing in Customer Data Platforms will be a critical factor for market success.

On the other hand, ERP is much more aligned with your company’s internal issues, optimizing processes that, in some way, may be related to customers (for example, sales), but indirectly.

CDP thus allows you to bring a new era of information to your company, if your business needs to know your audience in depth. With this, the chances of success are much greater, managing to define important insights to bring growth to your business, especially with regard to the relationship with the customer.

So it’s not about CDP versus ERP, but rather “CDP side by side with ERP”. Both bring numerous benefits and advantages to your business, satisfying, however, different corporate needs.

This is not an exclusive decision, but a complementary one. With the structuring of internal data in an ERP, it is possible to make differentiated and accurate value propositions to the market.

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