Marketing Strategies | Página 4

Marketing Strategies

How to make a case study? Tips to use this strategy

In this post, we’re approaching some practical tips so that you can make your case and start benefit...

Marketing Strategies

How to be promoted? Ways to increase promotion opportunities!

Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! In this article, we’ll give you 6 unmissable techniques that...

Marketing Strategies

How to create personas to reach more people

Do you want to reach your audience in an assertive way? Then you need to know it well. Read and lear...

Marketing Strategies

What are Chatbots and how to use them to optimize your company’s service

More than to be well attended, people are always in a hurry so they want a fast customer service. In...

Marketing Strategies

5 strategies you need to know to convert online visitors into clients

More than 70% of people nowadays abandon their carts! And the main "weapon" of companies is to imple...

Marketing Strategies

What are Web Push Notifications? [+5 Reasons to Use them]

What if you could communicate instantly, in real time and in a personalized way with your website’s ...

Marketing Strategies

Valentine’s Day featured in… 3 Gifts, 2 Secrets and 1 Love Story

As you are probably aware, we are crazy about delivering the best of us to you. We work everyday wit...

Marketing Strategies

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): What is? Why we need it?

The GDPR is in fact a spin-off  of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, (Ar...

Marketing Strategies

Dedicated IP vs Shared IP: Which Should I Choose?

Do you use your full name, or just your surname for new acquaintances? Which one is better? In this ...

Content Marketing

How to go from 0 to 21.5 million users through content marketing.

When we started our business in 2008, we had one simple objective: to be able to compare as many ser...