User experience is highly valued by Google, and therefore SEO On-Page is of the utmost importance so that readers have a good experience within your page.
On-Page optimizations are made by the company and seek to improve usability and are within the standards requested by search engines. Other than that we have SEO Off-Page, which are the external links that refer your content, for example.
Amid so much competition for the first few pages, you need to be aware of changes and improvements to your channels. It is not enough to spread your products. You have to attract, educate and help your readers.
So, they will always look for your site when they need something. This action, consequently, generates shares and good visibility, working already the SEO Off-Page.
This subject is essential if you are looking for improvements in your work, so keep reading and understand everything right now!
Have a friendly URL
The first item that aims to get you very well on SEO On-Page is to optimize and make the URL more user-friendly. You can do this in different ways:
- include the keyword in the URL;
- separate the words from the URL with a hyphen;
- use lowercase letters;
- make short and objective URLs;
- flee from URLs with codes, numbers, and symbols, because the search engines do not identify well.
In addition to presenting your content address looks better to the customer, they still rank better in Google optimizations.
Attract with the title of the page
Want to have good results with SEO On-Page? So you need to know the good practices of the title of your article. One of the most important factors for ranking on Google is the internal title practice of your page.
It needs to be attractive as it is responsible for keeping the readers in your content. You also need to contain the keyword on the left, to make it the most prominent part of the text. Be as objective as possible, since the ideal is a title with up to 63 characters.
Power up your images
Did you know that the images you use in your blog posts or that are scattered throughout your e-commerce directly influence the SEO On-Page?
If the chosen image of your post does not load, what does the description appear to the user while it waits? This text is essential for search engines.
The keyword must appear in your image, just as the description of it must be faithful to the figure presented because the reading that is made by the robots is through this information that your site makes available.
Do not forget to name the file correctly as well, preferably using the keyword, and check the HTML code correctly.
Make a killer destription goal
Although not a direct factor of ranking, the meta description generates authority and increases the CTR in publications. Meta descriptions are those explanations that appear below the title and give an introduction about what your text is.
To have a proper description for SEO On-Page, you must use the keyword within the 150 ideal characters of that description.
Besides, the summary needs to be flashy, but sincere, or your reader can quickly leave your page and return to the search engine, compromising your qualification.
With engaging content and description, it is possible to have more chances of qualifying your leads, since previously they decide whether to click or not.
Optimize your captions
The user experience is highly valued, so using the captions correctly helps your business stay in the top ranks of Google and also organizes reading your posts.
Learn how to use good captioning practices and get good results on SEO On-Page:
- the most important title of its content is H1. It is with him that you define the hierarchy of others;
- the H1 assists in the scannability of the text, providing a better experience for the reader;
- the keyword, whenever possible, should be used in its subheading H1;
- H2 is the second hierarchical scale of your article and may also contain the keyword, at least the main one;
- the H3 serves to break the subtitles into more parts, making it easier to read;
- H1, H2, and h3 should not be used out of order.
Include internal links
If you want to show Google that your subjects are talking to each other and that your site pages have a proper hierarchy, you need to start using internal links.
This practice helps your company to have more access and permanence in your pages because with relevant subjects related to the user moves from one content to another within the same place. Also, it strengthens other links by using it discreetly within the text.
Have a responsive website
Having a responsive website, which fits the different access models, is fundamental to having a proper recognition when it comes to SEO. Also, you also generate a good user experience of access, because no one likes to be on a site where you can not view all the information, right?
More and more people access the sites on mobile models, such as mobile phones and tablets, and if your website is not responsive, you are losing a customer to your competitor. Stay tuned!
SEO is a joint effort, so be sure to pay attention to the other points of optimization for organic searches, such as proper use of the keyword, loading time of your site and monitoring it.
Are you looking to be a reference in your actions with the posts of your blog? Now is the time to invest heavily in SEO optimization on your brand page.
You only have to win, either with organic traffic or online authority. But be sure to engage your audience and think of an SEO strategy for Off-Page too.
Want to learn other ways to qualify your work? Learn more about Ecommerce.