General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): What is? Why we need it?
The GDPR is in fact a spin-off of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, (Ar...
How DMARC, SPF and DKIM Protects You From Email Frauds (Phishing)
In the IT realm there is an old concept called “AAA Architecture” (AAA standing for Authenticati...
Smishing: Do You Know What is It? (don’t bite the bait!)
What is Smishing? On my last article, I spoke about Phishing and how these email messages try to urg...
Phishing: Do You Know What Is It? (don’t bite the bait!)
What is Phishing? Once upon a time, reading an article with this title, just meant bad spelling, now...
Dedicated IP vs Shared IP: Which Should I Choose?
Do you use your full name, or just your surname for new acquaintances? Which one is better? In this ...
Spam Traps: Once Upon a Time…
A normal healthy PreTeen girl, constantly bending boundaries and following urges. I remember this si...