Marketing Automation

Customer loyalty program: how an app can help you

19 September, 2023 (updated) |

Is customer loyalty still a challenge for you? Given the increasing competition in the market, it is clear how important it is to adopt strategies to sell more and not compromise your company´s income.

Keeping loyal customers is not an easy task, so the brand you want to stand out must do something other than address the needs of your audience: it needs to understand these people. In this sense, a solution is the implementation of a program to not only attract and retain the consumers of your business.

Are you interested? Check out the benefits of a loyalty program and find out how an app can help!

What are the advantages of implementing a customer loyalty program?

Strengthens brand reputation

The company that has a loyalty program can connect with their customers and understand their preferences. This is because this type of action is a great way to generate interaction and rapprochement with the audience. In this way, you can create a great experience, turning the consumer into a real fan of the brand.

By betting on effective communication and providing personalized service, the business establishes a closer and lasting relationship with the client, reinforces its positioning and strengthens its reputation.

Creates a competitive differential

A well-developed loyalty program also serves to highlight the company about its competition. The consumer tends to choose the company that already knows, identifies and still receives benefits.

A loyal customer is not worried about what another company might offer, nor does he think about migrating to the competition, as he knows the value provided by the brand which he is faithful to. Therefore, a loyalty program that works well is a tremendous competitive advantage for your business.

It drives the customer to make new purchases

The loyalty program also functions as a “motivation program,” since it encourages the customer to continue to buy products or services from the company in return for some benefit. There is a “win-win” relationship in which the two sides benefit.

However, you must be aware of the criteria that involve the loyalty program of your business, because it must be aligned with the goals of your brand and the desires of your audience to get full satisfaction.

Conquer new customers

Who does not like to buy and gain some benefit from it? In addition to consuming and always returning to your company, the satisfied and loyal consumer makes free advertising for friends and family, resulting in the indirect acquisition of new customers. Make no mistake: word of mouth is still a powerful way to do marketing.

Increase in billing

Did you know that keeping a customer is more economical than attracting a new consumer? That is, creating a loyalty program is not an unnecessary expense for your establishment. On the contrary, it is a good strategy for reducing costs.

Nor can we forget that the increase in billing is a sweet consequence of the incentive created through the loyalty program. After all, a loyal customer tends to spend a lot more than a new consumer.

How to boost your company’s loyalty program with an application?

Structuring a loyalty program efficiently requires knowing the public well of your brand. Therefore, it is important not to neglect their online presence and to be attentive to the increase in the purchasing power of Brazilians and the possibilities of technological advancement.

Armed with such information, the company can understand that the way it’s public shopping has changed in recent years. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt to these new conditions so as not to be left behind.

According to a study by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL), the mobile phone is used by 74% of people in at least one of the stages of acquisition through the internet. Also, for 33% of Internet users, the smartphone is the primary online shopping tool.

All of this expresses how important it is to modernize processes to take advantage of this mobile expansion, to look for new ways of communicating and to enhance the loyalty program of your company. In this context, one way of doing all this is through an app.

An app, like Qero, can be a relevant intelligence and loyalty tool for your business. Are you interested? We have some tips for you to take full advantage of this innovation. Check out!

Use the app as a loyalty coupon

Did you know that you can use your brand app as a loyalty coupon? The idea is to mark the number of consumptions to, in the end, award a reward – which can be either a discount or a freebie, for example. This is an intriguing idea to increase customer buying frequency in your business.

Push notifications

Have you noticed the push notifications that appear on your phone’s screen? With an impressive opening rate, they are one of the significant advantages of an application for your company’s loyalty program, as they not only increase your customer’s loyalty as long as your app’s usage time. Here are some possible actions through this strategy:

  • send notifications to anyone who has not accessed the app for more than X days;
  • send notifications to anyone who has not accessed your site for more than X days;
  • send exclusive promotions;
  • send seasonal promotions (Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Consumer Day, Black Friday, Christmas, etc.)
  • send surprise discount coupons, with limited validity of use;
  • send news and content with useful information according to the client’s profile;
  • new products.

You can do many things, but it is essential to always have a lot of sense to not overdo the frequency of sending notifications and annoying the user, right? Also, prefer short, direct messages.

Use your customer’s data in your favor

Keep in mind that the application is a source of knowledge for your company because it brings information extremely relevant to decision making – such as how much time people spend online, which pages they visit the most, where they access their app, and so on.

That is, through the app it is possible to know a lot about the habits of its users and, thus, to guide with more precision the actions of your business. By finding which product is less popular, for example, you can create more attractive deals and business conditions.

Do you realize how valuable it can be to your company to develop a customer loyalty program? By adopting an app in your strategies and by following our tips, you will undoubtedly be able to sell more and improve your results.

Do you want help to keep your customers loyal once and for all? Contact us!

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